Thursday, March 8, 2012

Homework: Day 1

  • Read "The Stories Julian Tells" in the zebra book.
  • Study Time, and Elapsed Time
  • Quiz on Sunday.
  • Here is what you need to know: It is a male (he).  He is friendly and easy to take care of.  He likes to follow your computer mouse on the screen.  To feed him click on the cage.  To make him run on his exercise wheel click the centre of the wheel.  You can shrink the size of the cage window by usig your mouse so that you can keep him on the computer while viewing different windows.

    1) Please feed him at some point this weekend so he makes it to Sunday.  Thank you!
    2) Think of a name for the pet we will vote on Sunday.

    To see him please click  on the CLASS PET link in the sidebar.
  • Sunday is a Day 2.
  • Return signed progress report