Sunday, November 27, 2011


Come of the words in the list are plural possessive. A plural possessive noun shows ownership by more than one person or thing.
  1. brother's    (belongs to my brother)
  2. brothers     ( more than one brother)
  3. uncle's         (belongs to my uncle)
  4. uncles          (more than one uncle)
  5. sister's         (belongs to my sister)
  6. sisters        (more than one sister)
  7. sisters'        (belongs to more than one sister)
  8. man's        (belongs to one man)
  9. men's         (belongs to more than one man)
  10. child's       (belongs to one child)
  11. girls           (more than one girl)
  12. girl's          (belongs to the girl)
  13. girls'          (belongs to more than one girl)
  14. mine           (belongs to me)
  15. yours         (belongs to you)