Sunday, October 30, 2011

Homework: Day 5

  • Spelling: write each word 3 times
  • Reading: Complete the 2 Question handout using complete sentences.  You will need your Zebra book p.100-110
  • Show your parents this week's newsletter
  • Tomorrow is Day 6 - we have Swimming!
  • Tomorrow there is a Costume Parade at UAS starting at 7:45am parents are welcome to the courtyard only.
  • Classroom Halloween Party will start at 1:30pm tomorrow depending on class behavior.  Food can be dropped off to Room 130 between 7am-7:15am  or between 1:00pm - 1:15pm.  Please try to drop food off only during those times by checking in with the Elementary School office so that there are minimal interruptions during class instruction. Just a reminder there are 25 students in the class. Thank you for you cooperation.