Practice Practice Practice the songs for science . You can find them in the Projects part of this class website. Memorize the songs.
Get homework sheet signed
For those of you that told me today was your last day for the yea: Have a happy summer break!
Sunday is Day 1 - We have Techonolgy & Religion!
Congratulations to all our spelling Bee contestants today! They all did a great job! Also congratualtions to our finalists!! 1st place: Ali Alhilo 2nd Place: Hamzah Hamad 3rd Place: Sarah Shaheen
I've posted the lyrics - I will post the video later this weekend. You can try googling it if you like.
This is a challenging song due to the melody. Do your best remember you can sing the song a little higher if it is too low for you.
See lyrics below - remember we don't sing the fram verse that she sings in the video. When she sings that vers we sing the ocean verse instead to the same melody. If you memorize two verses that you choose you can do it with a partner in the presentation.
Please practice the songs and gestures. Presentations next week depend on how well you know the songs.
Memorize songs
Ms. Cartagena will post the last two songs online later this evening.
sign homework sheet
Tomorrow is Day 6 - We have Swimming & Class Meeting
Weekly reward - Personal Electronic for 20mins at end of day. Students are only allowed to bring 1 or 2 small electronic (example: Ipod, Nintendo DS). Phones are not allowed. No computers or laptops. Students are fully responsible for keeping the electronic safe and are to abid by all school rules.
Practice songs & actions online. Mini presentation to other grades will be scheduled for next week - so we need students that know the songs well! Ms. Khaja may even pop in to watch our Science preformances next week!
Sign homework sheet
Return all school textbooks to school!! If your book is not returned I will call home to notify you that your child's report card will be held until the textbook is turned in to the school or matters are settled with the business office of any textbook fees for lost or damaged books.
School Textbooks are not allowed to be taken home for the rest of the year.
Bring a pencil and eraser to school!
Tomorrow is Day 5 - We have P.E & Religion!
Thursday is our Class Spelling Bee!
Thanks you for contributing to the class Year-End Party!
Keep up the great work filling the marble jar so far it looks like we might have the weekly reward!
Please practice all the songs listed on our website. Click on Projects
Sign homework sheet
Show parents the newsletter online
Check the End of Year Party List under Links on the right side of the webstie or Click Here. Please discuss with your parent what you can bring and write it in your homework sheet so we can update the list tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Day 3 - We have Technology & Religion
If you still have outstanding library fees please bring in what you owe.
Also textbooks must be returned to the classroom. If your child is missing a textbook then they will be fined by the business office at the end of the year.