23 October 11
Dear Parents,
There will be a Halloween Dress-up Day on Monday, October 31st which includes Halloween parade at 7:45am. Parents are welcome to come and take photos of their children when the parade circulates through the playground. Parents are not allowed in the KG or Elementary hallways and/or classrooms. Please read attached school note for details.
We will be having a Halloween party on October 31st at 1:30pm in our classroom. The class will discuss things we can bring in for the party so as to avoid repeated items. Once students have picked things to bring your child will double check with you before we finalize the list of party food and items for the date. I will post the food and items list online for easy reference. Please note that all treats should be finger food and portion sized so that students find it easy to eat and distribute. Also we do not have fridge space available for party food items so be sure to bring things that do not require refrigeration to the classroom in the morning between 7-7:15am or drop off items around 1pm. We would greatly appreciate a couple of parent helpers to help distribute the food during the party. The first two parents to contact me will be our party helpers for that afternoon.
This week:
We have library tomorrow, Monday, October 24.
Language Arts
Spelling: shot, chance, match, watch, showed, shock, pushed, such, crash, chew, batch, hitched, sharp, mush, speech. The list will be posted online. Spelling Test will be on Thursday, October 27th.
Reading: “Allie’s Basketball Dream,” found in the Zebra book p. 100-110. Reading Test will be on Thursday, November 3, 2011.
Vocabulary: There will be a quiz on Wednesday, October 26, 2011. The vocabulary words are found in the zebra book p. 98-99 and will be posted online. Students will also be completing a Core Vocabulary test this week.
Writing: Writing complete sentences, newspaper article for Social Studies and working through the Writing Process.
Grammar: We will explore nouns; what they are and how to identify them in a sentence. We will review the definition and application of synonyms and antonyms.
MathWe will be working on problem solving, addition and US money.
Social Studies
We are working on the creative writing components of the project using our the research that was completed at home. Final project will be completed this week and their presentations will start as soon as boards are completed. This Thursday there is a Socials Studies Quiz on Chapter 3, lesson 2.
Ms. Cartagena