Sunday, October 30, 2011

Homework: Day 5

  • Spelling: write each word 3 times
  • Reading: Complete the 2 Question handout using complete sentences.  You will need your Zebra book p.100-110
  • Show your parents this week's newsletter
  • Tomorrow is Day 6 - we have Swimming!
  • Tomorrow there is a Costume Parade at UAS starting at 7:45am parents are welcome to the courtyard only.
  • Classroom Halloween Party will start at 1:30pm tomorrow depending on class behavior.  Food can be dropped off to Room 130 between 7am-7:15am  or between 1:00pm - 1:15pm.  Please try to drop food off only during those times by checking in with the Elementary School office so that there are minimal interruptions during class instruction. Just a reminder there are 25 students in the class. Thank you for you cooperation.

Newsletter: October 30 - November 3

GRADE 3-3 Newsletter

30 Oct 11

Dear parents,   

In regards to class treats and birthdays please note that cakes are not allowed in the class.  However for special birthday celebration you may bring in cupcakes.  If in any event treats for birthdays are being brought there must be one available for each student or they will not be distributed. This means the magic number to keep in mind is 25, as there are 25 students in the classroom.
This Thursday is a half-day for students which mean they will be dismissed at 11am.  Please arrange for your child’s pick up at the scheduled time.
You are invited to see our class perform a choreographed Halloween number on Thursday, November 3rd.  The auditorium will be open at 10:30 am so that you may find your desired seating and the show will start on time at 10:45am.  If you are attending you may take your child home with you after the presentation.   We hope to see you there!

This week:
Halloween Costume day is tomorrow.  Please refer to the letter sent home last week: no weapons or scary blood make-up. The Halloween Party is tomorrow at 1:30 pm.
Choreography Halloween presentation to parents – Thursday, November 3rd at 10:30am
Language ArtsSpelling: space, stage, huge, fence, price, police, office, engine, badge, pencil excite, force, range, ginger, giraffe. The list is also posted online.  Spelling Test is on Thursday, November 3rd.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary words will appear on the Reading Test at the end of the week. Vocabulary words can be found in context in the zebra book on pages 98-99, in the glossary at the back of the zebra book or posted on the class website.

Reading: We will continue to read “Allie’s Basketball Dream” found in the zebra book pages 100-110.  The Reading Test will be on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Writing: We will continue to work on complete sentences and working to clearly communicate a thought or idea (checking if it makes sense).  We will also be working on short story writing where students try to show instead of tell details or reactions.
Grammar: Focus on identifying and using nouns in a sentence.
We will be working on addition and addition patterns. 
Social StudiesCompleting any late Social Studies presentations and continuing in the textbook about explorers.
Ms. Cartagena

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Spelling: October 30 - November 3

Spelling Test will be on Thursday, November 3rd.

  1. space
  2. stage
  3. huge
  4. fence
  5. price
  6. police
  7. office
  8. engine
  9. badge
  10. pencil
  11. excite
  12. force
  13. range
  14. ginger
  15. giraffe

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Party List

Please note that there are 25 students in the classroom. We ask that you only bring 25 pieces of your item so as not to have more leftover than necessary.  Also there are NO NUTS allowed in any of the food. due to existing severe nut allergies. There are no cakes allowed in our classroom.   Please refer to Sunday, October 23rd's newsletter for details regarding food drop off times.   Students should have already double checked with parents to confirm the item they have chosen is ok. If not please write a note with the changed item on your childs homework sheet.  Please do not bring extra food because there is already a lot to be served.

Food and Supplies List

Ahmad Al Mawash  -  donuts

Abdulla Al Aati - halloween candy

Ali  -  chocolate

Hamad M. - Coca-Cola

Aziz  -   miranda

Saba  - cookies

Munerah - mini  hot dogs

Mohammed A.  - mini pizza

Ahmad Al Waheeb  -  cupcakes

Samahir - plastic plates & utensils

Abdulrahman - french fries

Salma - biscuits

Khaled - 25 juice boxes

Bader  -  brownies

Rayan - subway (small pieces) & 1 big pumpkin

Hamza - popcorn

Sarah - potato chips

Hamad A (#1) - chicken burgers

Rand - sweet pizza

Fahad - sweet corn (in cups)

Hamad #3 - mini meat burgers

Mohammad S. - shrimp (1 per student)

Abdullah S.  - chicken nugget

Ahmad Qattan - ???

Noor - Chocolate Mousse

Homework [Day 4]

  • Reading: Allie's Basketball Dream" in the zebra book p.100-110.  Vocabulary for the story on p.98-99.  Orally ask who, what, where, when ,why and how after every paragraph  to check for understanding.
  • Vocabulary quiz: rescheduled till Sunday.
  • Halloween Party List - click here (or check in Newletter)

Reminder: Sunday is Day 5 - we have PE and Religion!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Homework: Day 3

·         Spelling :  Study for tomorow's spelling Test
·         Vocabulary: study for tomorrow’s quiz
·         Math: Practice Sheet  Online practice click here.
 Below is a diagram of the coins and their values that you can use when you try the website.
You can also use the Math Retach sheet with the coin names and value we did in class.

Reminder: Tomorrow is Day 4 - We have Music!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homework: Day 2

  • Spelling T-Chart (sh, ch, tch)
  • Math
  • Reading: "Allie's Basketball Dream" in the zebra 100-110.

Reminder: Tomorrow is Day 3 - We have Art and Religion!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Homework: Day 1

  • Spelling:  ABC order
  • Math: Handout (Skills Practice) 
  • Writing: Journal on paper. Topic: Write something about your family or a family member. Do not start all your sentences with 'I'.  Write 5 -10 sentences. 
    Remember the following:
    Does your sentence makes sense?
    Start each sentence with a captial and end with an end mark (! ? .).
  • Double check with parents regarding the Halloween Party food/stuff for October the 31st next week.
Reminder:  Tomorrow is Day 2 - there are no specials.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Spelling Test is on Thursday, October 27th.

  1. shot
  2. chance
  3. match
  4. watch
  5. showed
  6. shock
  7. pushed
  8. such
  9. crash
  10. chew
  11. batch
  12. hitched
  13. sharp
  14. mush
  15. speech

Newsletter: October 23-27

Grade 3-3 Newsletter

 23 October 11

Dear Parents,
There will be a Halloween Dress-up Day on Monday, October 31st which includes Halloween parade at 7:45am.  Parents are welcome to come and take photos of their children when the parade circulates through the playground.  Parents are not allowed in the KG or Elementary hallways and/or classrooms. Please read attached school note for details.
               We will be having a Halloween party on October 31st at 1:30pm in our classroom.  The class will discuss things we can bring in for the party so as to avoid repeated items.  Once students have picked things to bring your child will double check with you before we finalize the list of party food and items for the date.  I will post the food and items list online for easy reference.  Please note that all treats should be finger food and portion sized so that students find it easy to eat and distribute. Also we do not have fridge space available for party food items so be sure to bring things that do not require refrigeration to the classroom in the morning between 7-7:15am or drop off items around 1pm. We would greatly appreciate a couple of parent helpers to help distribute the food during the party.  The first two parents to contact me will be our party helpers for that afternoon.

This week:
We have library tomorrow, Monday, October 24.
Language Arts
Spelling: shot, chance, match, watch, showed, shock, pushed, such, crash, chew, batch, hitched, sharp, mush, speech.  The list will be posted online.  Spelling Test will be on Thursday, October 27th.
Reading:  “Allie’s Basketball Dream,” found in the Zebra book p. 100-110.  Reading Test will be on Thursday, November 3, 2011.
Vocabulary: There will be a quiz on Wednesday, October 26, 2011.  The vocabulary words are found in the zebra book p. 98-99 and will be posted online.  Students will also be completing a Core Vocabulary test this week.
Writing: Writing complete sentences, newspaper article for Social Studies and working through the Writing Process.
Grammar: We will explore nouns; what they are and how to identify them in a sentence. We will review the definition and application of synonyms and antonyms.
MathWe will be working on problem solving, addition and US money.
Social Studies
We are working on the creative writing components of the project using our the research that was completed at home. Final project will be completed this week and their presentations will start as soon as boards are completed. This Thursday there is a Socials Studies Quiz on Chapter 3, lesson 2.

Ms. Cartagena

Homework: Day 6

  • Spelling: 3 times each
  • Show parents the newsletter online
  • Return library books to school
  • Social Studies: Complete handout using textbook p. 85-91 then review the handout information
Reminder: We have library tomorrow!
Tomorrow is Day 1 - We have Technology and Religion!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homework: Day 5

  • Write a journal entry about your day  (Focus on complete sentences, capitals and end mark)
  • Read your journal entry to your parents to see if it makes sense.
Reminder:  Sunday is Day 6 - We have Swimming!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homework: Day 4

  • Spelling: T-Chart (words with  kn, wr, ph, gh)
  • Spelling: Study for tomorrow's Spelling Test
  • Reading: Study for Reading Test tomorrow on Nate the Great.  Zebra book p. 68-90.
Reminder: Tomorrow is Day 5 - We have PE and Religion!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework: Day 2

  • Spelling: ABC order
  • Reading: Complete 2 short answer question sheet (you need your zebra book)
  • Math: Complete handout
  • Vocabulary: Study for Vocabulary Quiz
Reminder: Tomorrow is Day 4 - We have Music!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Homework: Day 2

  • Spelling: 3 times each
  • Math Complete Problem Solving handout
  • Writing: journal write about your day on the back of your spelling homework.  Aim for about 5 sentences about your day (focus on complete sentences, capitals, and end marks)
  • Reading:  Read Chapters 1-3 Nate the Great found in the Zebra book
  • Show parents the newsletter online

Reminder:  Tomorrow is Day 3 - We have Art and Religion!

Newsletter: October 17-20

 17 October 11

Dear Parents,
Thank you for coming to the Parent Teacher Conferences. It was a great to talk one on one about your child and how they are progressing through the first quarter. I believe that if we continue to work together acknowledging your child’s strengths and areas for improvement can help us get a better picture of how your child is going to obtain a realistic goal in grade 3. 
Please continue to communicate with me through the homework sheet as I am also using it to send messages home on occasion. 

This week:

Language Arts
Spelling: known, written, laugh, sphere, wreck, writer, wrong, wrap, wrench, knocked, knot, wring, enough, rough, wrinkle.  The list will be posted online.
Reading:  Nate the Great: San Francisco Detective” found in the Zebra book p. 70-90.  Reading Test will be on Thursday, October 20, 2011.
Vocabulary: There will be a quiz on Wednesday, October 19, 2011.  The vocabulary words are the ones handed out last week for Nate the Great.
Writing: Writing complete sentences, newspaper article for Social Studies and working through the Writing Process.
Grammar: Types of sentences, proper sentence form (starting with a capital and writing an end mark).
MathWe will be working on problem solving, addition and US money.
Social Studies
We are working on the creative writing components of the project using our the research that was completed at home.
Ms. Cartagena

Spelling: Oct. 17-20

Spelling Test will be on Thursday, October 20, 2011
  1. known
  2. written
  3. laugh
  4. sphere
  5. wreck
  6. writer
  7. wrong
  8. wrap
  9. wrench
  10. knocked
  11. knot
  12. wring
  13. enough
  14. rough
  15. wrinkle

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Homework: Day 6

  • Reading:  Zebra book p.70-90
  • No school for students on Sunday. 
  • Sunday is Parent Teacher Conferences (For the Schedule click here) or go to Newsletters.
Reminder: Monday is Day 2!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference Schedule October 2011

           Sunday, October 16, 2010                 

7: 30-7:45    Salma Elmubasher

7:45- 8:00    Hamad  Aburezeq

8:00-8:15     Hamad  Al Muhanna

8:15-8:30     Rand Al Hooly

8:30- 8:45    Rayan Jassam

8:45-9:00     Hamad Al Abdulmohsen

9:00-9:15     Fahad Al Busairi

9:15- 9:30    Monerah Al Roomi

9:30-9:45    Ahmad Al Qattan

9:45-10:00   Mohammed Al Sayegh

10:00-10:15   Ali Alhilo

10:15-10:30   Ahmad Al Waheeb

10:30- 10:45   Khaled Al Harbi

10:45-11:00   Bader Al Dakheel

11:00-11:15   Noor Al Hassan

11:15-11:30   Abdullal Al Souyan

11:30-12:00 =====LUNCH======

12:00-12:15  Abdulla Al Aati

12:15-12:30  Samahir Badran

12:30-12:45   Abdulrahman Al Fadhli

12:45-1:00    Sarah Shaheen

1:00-1:15    Ahmad Al Mawash

1:15-1:30    Saba Al Enezi

1:30-1:45   Abdulaziz Al Sayeg

2:00-2:15   Hamzah  Hamad

2:30-2:45   Mohamed Ayad

Homework: Day 5

Reminder: Tomorrow is Day 6 - we have swimming!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nate the Great: Vocabulary

specific  -  a special kind of something

return  -  to bring or put something back

detective  -  a person who finds hidden information

assistant  -  a person who helps someone do a job

definitely  -  something that is sure to happen

positive  -  to be very sure of something

case  -   a problem that a detective tries to solve

Homework Day 4

  • Spelling: T-Chart (str and st)
  • Math: Rounding to the nearest thousand (handout)
  • Vocabulary handout  (fill in the blanks)

Tomorrow is Day 6:  We have P.E and Religion!!
Also on Thursday we have an author visiting the school!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Homework: Day 3

  • Spelling: ABC order
  • Math: 1-9 Homework Practice
  • Reading: Zebra book p. 82-90 (the rest of the story) and Vocabulary Power p.68-69
  • Project Answers and blank poster board were due today. If you have not handed it in you loose a mark for everyday it is late.

Tomorrow is Day 4: We have Music!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

09 Oct 11

Dear Parents,
Progress Reports went out last Thursday. Please return a copy of the report once it is signed.
Also a reminder that Parent Conferences are next week and a confirmation time will be sent out at some point this week. 
We have Library on Monday, October 10, be sure to return all ID tag agreement forms by that date so that your child may use their ID card to borrow a library book. Remember library is scheduled every other week.
This week:

Language Arts
Spelling Words: least, fast, just, burst, strip, stick, strike, artist, almost, student, strong, start, blast, step, street. The list will be posted on the class website. Spelling Test on Thursday, October 13.
Reading: We will be spending the next two weeks reading “Nate the Great: San Francisco Detective” found in the zebra book pages 70-94.   This is a challenging story for your child to read on their own because it contains several idioms and American sayings.  I will take the time to go over several phrases as we read the story over the next two weeks. Please take the time to read and explain what you can with your child. It is a longer story which will also require extra attention to plot details.
Writing and grammar: We are focusing on sentences. What is a sentence? What type of sentence is it? What is the end mark of a command, questions, exclamation or statement?
We will spend some time reinforcing the rules for rounding and finding ways to represent rounding using a number line. 
Social Studies
Students’ research, question and answer part of the project, and the blank (empty) poster board is due on Monday, October 10.  We will continue reading about explorers in the textbook Chapter 3, lesson2. We will also begin the work on the other elements of the research project in the classroom during some Language Arts and Social Studies blocks.


Ms. Cartagena
Grade 3-3

Homework: Day 2

  • Spelling: 3 times each
  • Math: Complete the 1-8 Skills Practice handout.
  • Reading: zebra book p.70-81
  • Social Studies: Bring completed question & answer research, picture of explorer and a blank poster board
  • View Parent Newsletter online
  • Bring signed ID forms

Reminder:  Tomorrow is Day 3: We have Art, Religion and Library!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Spelling: Oct. 09-13

Spelling Test on Thursday, October 13.

  1. least
  2. fast
  3. just
  4. burst
  5. strip
  6. stick
  7. strike
  8. artist
  9. almost
  10. student
  11. strong
  12. start
  13. blast
  14. step
  15. street

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homework Day 1

  • Social Studies: Work on assignment questions
  • Bring a blank (empty) poster board by Monday, October 10.
  • Return signed ID parent form (We have Library on Monday, October 10)
  • Progree Reports were handed out today. Please return signed Progress Report copy
Reminder:  Sunday is Day 2.

Homework Day 6

  • Study for Spelling Test (Test tomorrow)
  • Reading:L Study for Test  - Zebra p.42-62
  • Tomorrow is a half-day - early dismissal
  • Social Studies Project: complete all the research questions for your explorer - due Monday, October 10.
  • Remember to brig in a poster board by Monday, October 10.
Reminder:  Tomorrow is Day 1 - We have Technology

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Social Studies Research Project Outline

04 Oct 11

Dear Parents,

Attached you will find a Social Studies research project that your child must complete and return to class.  This research project requires Internet research.  I will provide the links necessary to answer the research questions.  However, your child will need your help in order to complete the research component of the project.  This project is an integrated project.  This means that it will be counted in more than one subject area for a grade.  The project will be integrated into Language Arts, Social studies, presentation, and listening.  Language Arts and Social Studies teaching blocks will be used in order for your child to complete the poster board in class.  No complete poster board from home will be accepted.

ALL RESEARCH IS DUE BY: OCTOBER 10TH.  Students will begin assembly of poster boards on October 11th.  If your child doesn’t have his/her research then he/she will not be able to begin the next part of the project.

Project requirements:

1.  Your child must answer all research questions in his/her own writing.  No Internet printouts will be accepted in class.

2.  All answers to research questions must be answered using complete sentences.

3.  Your child will need to bring one Internet picture of his/her explorer to school. The Internet picture can be no larger than 3X5 inch size (a regular printout size like from your camera).

4.  Your child must bring a blank (empty) poster board to school.  All components of the project will be completed in class, except the Internet research.

5.  Attached you will find the rubric on which your child will be graded for the project.

Your cooperation and support on this project is appreciated and needed.  If you do not have Internet at home, please see if you can use a family members Internet. 

Thank you for your continued support,


The Grade 3 Team

Homework [Day 5]

  • Spelling (T-chart: Long 'i' and Long 'o' sound)
  • Study for vocabulary Quiz (Zebra p.40-62)
  • Complete Math Handout 1-4: Remember to write the Place Value Chart for each question on a seperate sheet of paper.
  • Show parents the Social Studies Research Project Outline/Rubric and  your Explorer Question Sheet.
  • Due on October 10 (Bring to class):
    • Completed Questions and Answers (Written by student)
    • Blank (empty) Poster Board of any color.
Social Studies Project Websites click here.

Reminders: Tomorrow is Day 6.
                  It is the last day for Scholastic orders & money.
                  We have Swimming!

Social Studies Project Websites

Click on the name of your explorer. The name of the explorer you have been assigned is on the Research Project: Social Studies handout. This handout has the questions you must answer with the help of a parent and bring in completed by Monday, October 10, 2011.

Daniel Boone

Lewis and Clark


Sacagawea Websites:

The answers to the research questions on your sheet can be found on the websites below.

** All Internet research needs to be supervised by an adult.  I do not accept any responsibility for website content.

Lewis and Clark Websites

Lewis and Clark Websites
** All Internet research needs to be supervised by an adult.  I do not accept any responsibility for website content.

The above website has many link attached to it where all answers can be found for the research questions.

Below are additional websites should you chose further research.

Daniel Boone Websites

The answers to the questions on your Daniel Boone sheet can be found on this website:

The above website can be used to connect to four encyclopedias. Click on each encyclopedia tab and read the articles. Answers to questions will be found there.

** All Internet research needs to be supervised by an adult.  I do not accept any responsibility for website content.i)



Monday, October 3, 2011

Homework: Day 4

  • Spelling ABC order
  • Math 1-3 Not handed out we practiced in class.
  • Review Social Studies Assignment with parents The first part of the Project will be explained and handed out tomorrow.
  • View Newsletter online
Reminder: Tomorrow is Day 5. We have P.E and Religion!

Newsletter: October 3 - 6

Grade 3-3 Newsletter

03 October 11
Dear parents,
The sign up list for Parent Teacher Conferences are now posted in the main lobby of the school.  Please sign up for a time.  Parents who have not signed up will be given an available time slot.  I will send a confirmation slip and post the appointment times on the class website. Parent Conferences will take place next week.  Progress Reports go out at the end of this week.  Please note that Thursday, October 6, 2011 is a half-day for students. Please arrange for pick-up.

In an effort to help your child be more focused and effective in class please send your child a healthy snack and lunch.  Suggestions: Pack fruits, sliced veggies and dip instead of chocolate bars and chips. A sandwich, or some fresh food in a container for lunch. No canned or bottled pop will be allowed as it gets students really excited and creates an unfocused environment. Students will be encouraged to eat their packed lunch before purchasing from the canteen. It would also be good to pack water or a juice box for a snack/lunch drink.

Water Bottles
A reminder that your child may only drink water in the class if they have a sport bottle with a pop-out lid. Any other water bottles will not be allowed on desks but may be used at recess and lunch only.  It is your child’s responsibility to fill up their water bottle at recess and lunch. I remind them daily to take their bottles down with them.

Washroom Breaks
I continue to be firm on my Washroom Break rule.  Students are expected to use the washroom after eating their snack or lunch at every recess and lunch period. Students continue to be reminded that they will not be allowed to go to the washroom directly after a recess or lunch break. Please have a talk with your child regarding this rule so that they understand that it is important. Encourage them as I do daily, to visit the washroom at every break so that classroom instruction is not interrupted too often.  

This Week:

Language Arts
Spelling: These words are also online on our class website.
Reading: It is our second week on “Pepita Talks Twice” found in the zebra book. We have the Reading Test on Thursday, October 6.
Vocabulary: Matching and Fill in the Blank Quiz on Wednesday, October 5.
Writing: We will focus on the Ideas component of the Writing 6+1 Traits

Reinforcing Place Value and individual practice
Social Studies
We will begin Ch. 3 Lesson 2 in “Our Communities” regarding Explorers.  An Integrated Research Project will be outlined, explained and begun this week.  Part 1 of the Research Project will be due on Sunday, October 9. The remainder of the project will be completed in the class only. No projects completed at home will be accepted.  Details of the Project are attached.

Have a great week!

Ms. Cartagena
Grade 3-3

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homework: Day 3

  • Spelling:  x3
  • Vocabulary:  Complete the Vocabulary handout (fill in the blank)
  • Math: Practice on online games for a few minutes focus on Place Value:
    Place Value Chart This online game helps with Place Value
    Base 10 Blocks This online game helps practice using the blocks
    Expanded Form This online game helps practice expanded form
I will post the Grade 3-3 Newsletter online by tomorrow morning.

Reminder tomorrow is Day 4: We have Music!

Spelling: Long i and long o sound

Spelling Test on Thursday, October 6, 2011

  1. tight
  2. while
  3. show
  4. stone
  5. bright
  6. whole
  7. window
  8. time
  9. follow
  10. close
  11. flight
  12. tide
  13. grow
  14. broke
  15. below