Saturday, August 27, 2011

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This site is under construction.

Monday, September 5, 2011. [ DAY 2 ]

Here is the homework for Day 2:
  • Teach parents what CHAMPS means
  • Prepare bag for "Show and Tell"  - Due on Thursday, September 8.
  • Bring supplies
  • Get parents to sign Homework Sheet and return to school.
Tomorrow is Day 3  - we have Art and Religion

  • Please return the 2 first sheets from the Student/Parent Handbook.  Your parents must complete and sign the sheets.  They are due by this Wednesday, September 7.
  • ALso Show your parents the Class Newsletter and remind them to complete, sign and return the Homework Policy sheet attached to the Newsletter.

Grade 3-3 Classroom Newsletter

Teacher Welcome

 Hi, I'm Ms. Cartagena.  I teach third grade.  I live with my cat, Flash, whom you will probably hear about from time to time!  Flash is a very smart cat that I rescued from the streets of Salmiya. He keeps me busy at home but he also knows how to relax. 

  I am Canadian! I grew up in Ontario but eventually moved to the west coast. I lived, studied and began my teaching career in Vancouver, British Columbia before deciding to teach abroad. I enjoy teaching abroad because I get to meet new people and learn about different cultures! This is my third year teaching in Kuwait and I enjoy learning about what students teach me about their country.

   I love to learn and discover new things with young learners.  Their energy and amazement is wonderful to witness especially when a sense of accomplishment comes over their faces, after they succeed in something they thought they couldn't.  My goal as a third grade teacher is to help your children discover and explore their full learning potential. I believe if we work together reminding them of the guidelines for success, we can help your children be the best individuals they can be!

Classroom Website

I have put together a class website for your convenience and so that your child may always have access to some daily information: important dates, homework schedule and updates on their home computer.  

Please read the Newsletter online every week and check daily for classroom changes/updates.
Bookmark the website or save it under My Favorites to make it easy access.

The website address:


6 day Schedule

This year the Elementary School will be using a 6 day schedule.  The 6 day classroom schedule for Grade 3-3 has been attached to this Newsletter for your convenience and will also be posted on our online class website. Please keep the schedule on the refrigerator or someplace where everyone can see it at home. Library will be on Mondays 11:20-12:00 (every other week).


Teachers will escort classroom lines to their class at 7:20am and classes start at 7:30am. Any students arriving after 7:30 are tardy and therefore must obtain a tardy slip at the office before entering the classroom.
School ends at 2:25pm.  Students will wait with me and their classmates at the front gate until their guardian comes to our section to pick them up. Come meet me so I can get to know who will be there for dismissal. This is for the safety of the students during the congested dismissal period.


This year we will be following the Guidelines for Success listed below to help students be the best they can be and make it easier to follow the Classroom Rules which are also listed below.
Guidelines for Success: -Be responsible
-Always try
-Do your best
-Cooperate with others
-Treat everyone with respect (including yourself)
Classroom RulesRule One: Follow directions quickly!
Rule Two: Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Rule Three: Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Rule Four: Make smart choices!

Long-range goals for Grade 3

All students will:
·         Master all basic addition and subtraction; learn multiplication and division facts and be able to use those facts when doing computation and problem solving.
·         Learn to work cooperatively in groups and sometimes take the leadership role
·         Develop writing skills that allow them to communicate in both narrative and expository styles
·         Learn to plan long-range projects and bring them to completion
·         Learn to speak in front of their peers with confidence and style
·         Learn to stay focused on written tasks and bring them to completion.


 Textbooks: Students will be provided with textbooks for all the core classroom subjects and will be expected to return them all at the end of the year.  Any lost or missing textbooks will result in a 50KD fine to be paid to the Business office.

Supplies: A copy of the supplies list has been attached to this Newsletter for your convenience.
Reminder to parents:
Your child will need all the supplies on the attached list.
1.  Put your child’s name on all materials
2.  Separate all supplies by subject and in separate bags
3.  Label each subject bag
4.  Bring all supplies by the first week of school or as soon as possible.

Homework Policy
Please read, sign and return the Homework Policy provided below.

A weekly Homework Schedule sheet will be handed out to students at the beginning of each week. The Homework Schedule will be kept in a clear homework folder. Homework is assigned daily, Sunday - Thursday, and is due the following school day unless otherwise stated. The Homework Folder and Homework Schedule are expected to go home and return to school daily.

 Homework is:
1) for independent practice of skills learned in school;
2) to finish work not completed in class;
3) to develop work habits that will be crucial in higher grades.
Generally, homework is not assigned over the weekends unless the previous week’s assignments were not completed. Assignments should not take longer than 30 minutes for completion.  In addition, it is recommended your child reads daily for a minimum of 15-30 minutes.

Homework Rules
1)    Write your name on your work
2)    Write a title your work
3)    Date your work
4)    Always use your neatest writing
*Homework that is missing the above will not be collected and marked late when resubmitted.
Daily Homework Procedure:
1)    Place homework in Homework Folder
2)    Take home
3)    Complete work and show parents
4)    Parent signs Homework Schedule sheet
5)    Put Homework Schedule sheet and completed homework in Homework Folder
6)    Pack Homework Folder
7)    Return Homework Folder to school
8)    Submit all completed homework at the beginning of the day

Please complete.  Cut and return.

I, _______________________ (parent) read and reviewed the Homework Policy with my child, ______________________(student name). We understand the Homework Policy and will do our end to help my child remember their responsibilities so that they may learn the organization skills they will need throughout the year.

_______________________________                                ___________________
Parent Signature                                                                       Date

Reminders to Students

·      Be on time for class.

·      Bring a healthy snack for recess and lunch

·      Come ready to do your best everyday

·      Bring a smile and a positive attitude!

Upcoming Events

Classroom Open House
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 @ 7pm